Towards an Artificial Intelligence by and for Society

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution we find ourselves immersed in. AI is the discipline within IT or engineering whose objective is the development of intelligent (non-biological) computer systems, taking human intelligence as a benchmark. In the same way that human intelligence is diverse, complex and multiple, Artificial Intelligence […]

Saffromfood: the benefits of saffron beyond colouring

Hidden inside a flower, the most coveted spice in the world is found: saffron. It is used as a colourant in recipes such as paella, but its properties go beyond this. This is what Saffromfood, a project of the Department of Agriculture and Food Technology of the Higher Polytechnic School of Orihuela of the Miguel […]

The secret of the survival of the turtles

A priori, the qualities of the Greek turtle (Testudo graeca) are all handicaps: it is very slow, small, it does not regulate its body temperature, it needs to hibernate and does not live as long a Galapagos turtles. However, recent studies indicate that the Greek turtle has a secret weapon: the capacity of the females […]

Juice and Health: Squeezing the myth

Industrial baked goods or sweets are products that are easily identifiable as being harmful to health due to their high sugar or fat content, but other foods such as sugary drinks, including fruit juices, continue to be perceived as being beneficial to the health of children, although they might not be. A study by the […]

Dolors Corella, pioneer of nutritional genomics

When Dolors Corella Piquer (Onda, Castellón, 1966) received the 2018 Rey Jaime I Award for Medical Research, this professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Valencia had already been body and soul devoted to science for 30 years; just the same ones that the famous awards turned raised by a jury […]

Hidden biodiversity: cetacean parasites

Parasitism is the most widespread life strategy in the living world. It could be said that parasites represent the largest group of species on the planet and are obviously an integral part of biodiversity. As Carl Zimmer says in his book Parasites (Capitán Swing, Madrid, 2016), a healthy ecosystem is full of parasites. Despite this […]

The archaeological science research in the Mediterranean area

Since the middle of the last century, the study of archaeological materials using methodologies typical of disciplines considered as sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology and geology has served as support to the traditional methodological lines of archaeology, which has allowed access to a database that without the support of multidisciplinarity would be unattainable. The […]