The bacterial load of chewing gum persists even weeks after being in the ground

Researchers from the Institute of Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), a joint centre of the University of Valencia and the CSIC, has analysed the wasted chewing gum bacteria from five different countries. The research, just published in the journal ‘Scientific Reports’, shows that the bacterial load of gum changes in a matter of weeks and that oral bacteria persist surprisingly long enough when gum is in the ground. This research can be applied in forensic medicine or control of contagious diseases.

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The role of dopamine in neurons involved in some psychiatric disorders investigated

Juan Nácher, professor of Cell Biology at the University of Valencia (UV), has conducted research on the role of dopamine – a substance in the brain important in behaviours – in a population of immature neurons in the adult brain, which could be involved in some psychiatric disorders, mainly depression. The work, published in the journal ‘Frontiers in Neuroscience’, suggests a new target in the treatment of these conditions.

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Two insecticides recommended in pest management negatively affect beneficial insects through honeydew

A study by the University of Valencia (UV), the CSIC, the CIDE (Desertification Research Centre) and the Valencian Institute for Agrarian Research (IVIA) shows that pymetrozine and flonicamide, two insecticides recommended in some integrated management programs pests (GIP), can negatively affect biological control agents when they feed on honeydew. The work, applied to citrus fruits, has been published in the journal Environmental Pollution.

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The future Valencian teachers of Primary Education need to improve their knowledge about the risk of flooding

A study by Álvaro Morote, a researcher at the Faculty of Teacher training at the University of Valencia (UV) and by María Hernández, professor of Geography at the University of Alicante (UA), highlights that current teaching students at the UV have not received sufficient training during their school education on the risk of flooding and its relationship with climate change. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge on the subject that is accentuated by the information sources used by future teachers (especially the Internet), and because only 11.2% of those surveyed believe that training their future students in this area can reduce risks.

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Ariadna Sitjà Bobadilla

Investigadora científica del CSIC y directora del IATS-CSIC

Ariadna Sitjà Bobadilla lidera el grupo de Patología de Peces del Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal del CSIC y es desde 2019 la directora de este centro, referente en el estudio de la dorada y la lubina
César Domingo Pardo

Investigador del CSIC en el IFIC (CSIC-UV)

Ferran Ballester Diez

Investigador de Fisabio

Catedrático de Enfermería de la Universitat de València. Investigador de FISABIO-Salud Pública y de CIBERESP.
Francisco Albiol
Francisco Albiol Colomer

Investigador del CSIC en el IFIC (CSIC-UV)

Jaime Zacarías

Investigador predoctoral del CSIC en el IATA

Jaime Zacarías García es investigador predoctoral en el Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos, y en concreto en el grupo de Fisiología, Patología y Biotecnología Postcosecha.
Lorenzo Zacarías
Lorenzo Ángel Zacarías

Profesor de investigación del CSIC en el IATA

Lorenzo Zacarías García es profesor de investigación del CSIC en el Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos y, en concreto, en el grupo de Fisiología, Patología y Biotecnología Postcosecha.
Luis Caballero Ontanaya

Investigador del CSIC en el IFIC (CSIC-UV)

María Jesús Rodrigo

Científica titular del CSIC en el IATA

María Jesús Rodrigo Esteve es científica titular del CSIC en el Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos y forma parte del grupo de Fisiología, Patología y Biotecnología Postcosecha.
Mariam de la Iglesia Vayá


Investigadora de la Unidad Mixta de Imagen Biomédica FISABIO-CIPF.
Patricio García Fayos
Patricio García-Fayos

Profesor de Investigación del CSIC

Su actividad científica se centra en el estudio de las interacciones entre las plantas y la erosión del suelo en medios semiáridos degradados.