Mediterranean Science

“The Mediterranean Sea is a symbol of creativity, of the search for the meaning of life and wisdom, as well as of love for human beings and nature. This sea has always been an environment capable of generating outstanding personalities who have made notable contributions to the historical development of philosophy, art, music, literature, science and technology (...). Its population, countries, cultures... share a series of common values and characteristics that have allowed many successful projects to be developed and will surely continue to do so. Mediterranean universities, whose main advantage lies in their broad intellectual culture and the social cohesion between their staff and their students, can play a fundamental role in relations between East and West, as well as between North and South.”

This is how Gülsün Sağlamer, President of the Council of Mediterranean Universities, defines what Mare Nostrum means today. And her words perfectly reflect the philosophy of this joint project between universities and other institutions of the Mediterranean arch. The Mediterranean is art, culture, tradition; it is science, technology, future. It is an environment to preserve, care and empower. With an incomparable vital wealth, both from a landscape point of view, as a heritage one – in all its meanings – as a scientist. In it, in their research centres, every day countless projects are born and developed, applied to the most diverse fields. It is science with a Mediterranean seal; it is science with MEDNIGHT seal. A transversal science, at the service of all citizens; an inclusive science, in which the entire population feels integrated and represented; a science, in short, with a seal of its own identity, at the service of the present and future of this world, increasingly globalised.